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At Hassocks Infant School we deliver a high quality, purposeful and stimulating curriculum that provides excitement, curiosity and collaboration.   Just like our school, our curriculum is completely unique.  

We empower children and guide their learning by respecting and valuing their thoughts, knowledge, questions, and methods!

Our broad, exciting and high-quality curriculum stimulates curiosity, and supports our children's holistic development. Here are some aspects that contribute to making our curriculum exciting and amongst the best available:

Play-based learning:

  • Incorporating play-based activities that are developmentally appropriate and enjoyable for young children. Play provides opportunities for exploration, experimentation, and creativity, fostering a love for learning.

Hands-on experiences:

  • Offering hands-on learning experiences that allow children to actively engage with materials, manipulate objects, and interact with their environment. This promotes sensory exploration, fine and gross motor skills development, and cognitive growth.

Inquiry-based learning:

  • Encouraging children to ask questions, investigate topics of interest, and explore the world around them through inquiry-based approaches. This fosters critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and a sense of wonder and curiosity.

Language and talk rich curriculum:

  • Prioritising and emphasising language development and communication as a central component of all we do.   We have a strong focus on creating an environment that fosters language acquisition, communication skills, and literacy development by building oracy into our curriculum from Reception through to year 2. 

Integrated curriculum:

  • Our curriculum design integrates subject areas to provide meaningful connections and enrich learning experiences across different domains.   Opportunities for children to identify links across their learning and build upon these are carefully planned for.  

Responsive teaching:

  • Implementing responsive teaching practices that scaffold learning, provide spoken feedback, and support children's progress and development. Flexibility, adaptability, and differentiation are key to meeting the diverse needs of learners.

Rich learning environments:

  • Creating stimulating and inclusive learning environments that promote exploration and discovery. Incorporating natural materials, open-ended resources, sensory experiences and creativity within each subject.

Authentic assessment:

  • Using a variety of assessment methods that capture children's progress, strengths, and areas for growth in meaningful and authentic ways.

  • Observations within play and lessons, book looks, conversations with children about their learning, and parent contributions all build up a picture of where learning needs to go next.  

Collaborative partnerships:

  • Establishing strong partnerships with families, caregivers, and the community to support children's learning and development. Collaborative relationships promote mutual respect for children's beliefs, cultures, and lived experiences. 

Reflective practice:

  • Engaging in ongoing reflection, professional development, and continuous improvement to enhance the quality and effectiveness of the curriculum. Educators who are reflective practitioners are responsive to children's needs and evolving educational practices.

By incorporating these features into our curriculum, we aim to create a dynamic and enriching learning experience that inspires a lifelong love for learning and lays a strong foundation for children's future success.

Further information about our curriculum and children's learning experiences can be found in the sub-pages in this section of the website.  If you have any questions about our curriculum, then do get in touch using the details on our "Contact Us" page.