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Diary Dates

Summer Term 2024

For specific events further information will follow nearer the time

Monday 15th April   INSET day - school closed for staff training
Tuesday 16th April   First day of Summer term - school re-opens for all children
Friday 19th April All day Whole school mini marathon event
Wednesday 24th April


Rainbow Theatre visiting Reception

Thursday 25th April


Choir starts for those Year 2 children attending

Monday 6th May


Friday 10th May All day Year 2 trip to Wakehurst Place
w/c Monday 13th May


Reception locality walks – details TBC closer to the date

Thursday 16th May

All day

Year 1 trip to The British Wildlife Centre

Wednesday 22nd May


Whole class photos – will be sent home for purchasing at a later date

Friday 24th May

a.m. or p.m.



All day

Reception fairy tale ball – children invited to come into school wearing fairy tale costumes – more information to follow closer to the date

Last day of half term - non uniform day for Years 1 and 2
    HALF TERM - Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May
Monday 3rd June   School re-opens for all children
Thursday 6th June


Last choir of the year for those Year 2 children attending

Saturday 8th June


FoHIS Summer Fayre on school field

Friday 21st June


Year 1 Grandparents Day – please see the ParentMail sent on 22/6/2024

Tuesday 25th June

9.30 – 11am



Reception Sports Day on the school field - parents and carers invited to attend. PE kits will be sent home on Monday for children to wear into school Tuesday morning.

Year 1 Sports Day on the school field - parents and carers invited to attend.

Wednesday 26th June


Year 2 Sports Day at Windmills Junior School - parents and carers invited to attend. Please see the ParentMail sent on 22/5/2024 for further details. 

Monday 1st July


Open Evening for Whole School - parents/carers invited into school with their children to look around the classes and see the children’s work.

No after-school clubs running.

Tuesday 2nd July


Class letters to be sent home (by email)

Wednesday 3rd July

All day

Common Transition Day for ALL year groups -

Reception and Year 1 children normal drop-off and pick-up arrangements, Year 2 children dropped off at Windmills at 9.15am and collected from Windmills at 2.50pm.

Thursday 11th July


Reports to be sent home (by email)

Friday 12th July





Year 2 leavers assembly – parents & carers invited to attend:

Oak class parents & 1/2 of Holly class parents

Elm class parents & 1/2 of Holly class parents

NB. this will be the same assembly with all children in both. Holly class parents can choose which assembly to attend.

Tuesday 16th July





Reception Celebration assembly – parents & carers invited to attend:

Reception Celebration assembly – Beech and ½ of Cherry

Reception Celebration assembly – Willow and ½ of Cherry

NB. this will be the same assembly with all children in both. Cherry class parents can choose which assembly to attend.

Monday 22nd July


Year 2 Leavers Party - children invited to wear their own / party clothes into school.

Tuesday 23rd July

All day


Last day of term / year - non uniform day

Year 2 Leavers arch in front playground - all Year 2 children to be collected from the front playground afterwards


SUMMER HOLIDAYS - Wednesday 24th July to Friday 30th August

Monday 2nd September   INSET Day – School closed for all pupils
Tuesday 3rd September   INSET Day – School closed for all pupils
Wednesday 4th September  

School re-opens for Years 1 and 2

(Reception staggered start)