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Making History Accessible

There are lots of ways we make sure all children access and engage with their learning by: 

Making experiences purposeful and enjoyable. 

Linking new learning to what went before! 

Using resources and artefacts which the children can explore.

Using learning scaffolds such as writing frames, checklists, word mats, pictures and alike. 

Giving children opportunities to play with language, explore words and spend time learning subject-specific language like century and chronology as well as abstract terms such as 'power' or 'civilisation'. 

Giving children lots of opportunities to recap and remind themselves of their learning journey so far! 

Teachers regularly assess the children's understanding through questioning and discussion to pick up on any misunderstandings and address these together. 

We use lots of stories, fun information books and video clips to bring the subject alive. 

All learning is broken down for children to access in planned steps and feedback is given to the children verbally,  in the moment. 

Children are encouraged to display their understanding of history in a range of ways; drama, role-play, recordings, drawings, writing, discussions and, of course, through play!