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Our School Values

Tree drawing

Our staff and governors were involved in reviewing our core values in September 2021.  Our values are attributes or behaviours that we want to help everybody at Hassocks Infant School to develop during their time at the school.

We believe that these behaviours will help our children to become better lifelong learners.

Each half-term we focus on a different value and explore this in depth through regular discussions in class and assemblies.  Each week we focus on our values during "celebration assembly" and children are selected for showing our school values.  This award is displayed on our values tree in our school hall.

At Hassocks Infant School we want our school community to:

  • Be determined

We never give up.

  • Be independent

We are able to think and work on our own.

  • Be ambitious

We believe in ourselves and are determined to succeed.

  • Be kind

We treat others the way that we would like to be treated.

  • Be a team player

We work with others.

  • Be yourself

We value diversity and celebrate our individuality.

'Be a team player' child drawing'Be ambitious' child drawing'Be determined' child drawing

'Be independent' child drawing'Be kind' child drawing  'Be yourself' child drawing