Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
Special Educational Needs and/or Disabiltiies (SEND) Information Report
This report complies with the statutory requirement laid out in the SEND Code of Practice 0 – 25 2015 3.65 and has been written with reference to the following guidance and documents:
- schedule 1 regulation 51 from the Special Educational Needs & Disability Regulations 2014, which includes the governing body’s policy and practice for pupils at the school with special educational needs (statements in black below); and
- Equality and Disability information: namely the Equality Act 2010: advice for schools DfE Feb 2013
- the school’s admission arrangements for pupils with SEN or disabilities;
- the steps the school have taken to prevent pupils with SEN from being treated less favourably than other pupils;
- the facilities provided to assist access to the school by disabled pupils;
- Accessibility plan the governing body has written in compliance with paragraph 3 of schedule 10 to the Equality Act 2010.
- Schools SEN Information Report Regulations (2014)
- Statutory Guidance on Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions April 2014
- The National Curriculum in England Key Stage 1 document Sept 2013
- Safeguarding Policy
- Teachers Standards 2012
Special Educational Needs Coordinator Mrs Sara Nash (Member of Senior Leadership Team and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Contact via the school office – 01273 842549 or office@hassocksis.com
Hassocks Infant School is a mainstream setting committed to meeting the needs of all pupils age 4 – 7 years old, including those with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) and those who are neurodiverse. Our expectation is that children with a SEND or those who are neurodiverse will receive an education that enables them to make progress so that they:
- achieve their best
- become confident individuals living fulfilling lives
- make a successful transition into the next phase of their lives
We will achieve this for all pupils, regardless of their Special Educational Needs, disabilities or neurodiversity through our school vision and values.
Our Vision
We envisage that all children, will have the opportunity to explore, respect and flourish during their time at Hassocks Infant School.
Our Values
All children will have the opportunity to develop behaviours towards becoming lifelong learners and members of a community. Our school values are:
- Be determined
- Be independent
- Be ambitious
- Be kind
- Be a team player
- Be yourself
We will use our best endeavours to ensure that a pupil with a special educational need, a disability (SEND) or is neurodiverse, receives the support they require to meet their needs.
This report describes the way in which we will meet the needs of pupils who experience barriers to their learning. We recognise the various needs our pupils bring, or experience, in school and the importance of responding to these in the right way. A pupil’s needs may derive from a variety of situations, such as inherent difficulties or factors within the learning environment. Pupils with SEND or those who are neurodiverse will often experience significantly greater effort in accessing learning and will need additional support to enable them to become lifelong learners and participate fully in school life. Neurodiverse children experience, interact with and interpret the world in unique ways and have many strengths, which we celebrate and share with the school community.
All children and young people are entitled to an appropriate education, one that is appropriate to their needs, promotes high standards and the fulfilment of potential. This should enable them to: achieve their best, become confident individuals living fulfilling lives, and make a successful transition into adulthood, whether into employment, further or higher education or training.’ Every school is required to use their best endeavours to make sure that a child with SEN gets the support they need – this means doing everything they can to meet children and young people’s SEN.
(SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years, 2015, p92)
We aim to:
- have an inclusive culture for a wide variety of needs, which is about building a secure, accepting, collaborative and stimulating community where everyone feels valued
- have a whole school response to SEND and neurodiversity. We recognise and address particular needs as early as possible to ensure all children experience success and have every opportunity to make good progress
- use our best endeavours to provide children with the additional support and provision they may require to achieve their best and become confident individuals living fulfilling lives
- ensure that all pupils have the greatest possible access to a broad, balanced and relevant education, including an appropriate curriculum for the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum in Key Stage One. We aim to provide a flexible approach to teaching and learning using Quality First Teaching.
- provide equal opportunities, and moreover equity where everyone is provided with what they need to succeed. Reasonable adjustments are made for pupils with SEND and those who are neurodiverse, so that they can engage in the activities of the school alongside other pupils who do not have SEND, promoting successful and effective learning for all pupils
- work in collaboration with parents/carers through every stage of the special needs provision. We will involve them in discussions relating to their child’s SEND or neurodiversity and the provision we are providing, through open dialogue
- involve children in the process of setting outcomes, making reasonable adjustments and identifying ways forward
- utilise the experience of school staff to meet a child’s needs and continue to provide targeted professional development
- share ideas, experience and expertise within the school as well as maintaining a cooperative and productive partnership with outside agencies to ensure a multi-professional approach to meeting the needs of all children
- respect diversity in our school community and beyond. We aim to foster acceptance and understanding for neurodiversity by celebrating our strengths and differences, as well as our similarities
To do this, we will:
- identify and provide for pupils who have SEND/other additional needs or who are neurodiverse by following the guidance outlined by the West Sussex Graduated Approach and professionals with the Local Authority
- work within the guidance provided in the SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years
- provide a Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo and Inclusion Leader) to oversee the day-to-day implementation and operation of the School Information Report
- provide support and advice for all staff working with SEND pupils or those who are neurodiverse
Definition of Special Educational Needs and Disability
SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years:
A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.
A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age.
For children aged two or more, special educational provision is educational or training provision that is additional to or different from that made generally for other children or young people of the same age in a mainstream setting.
1. The Kinds of Special Educational Needs for which provision is made at Hassocks Infant School
The SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years, 2015, identifies four broad areas of need. Hassocks Infant School welcomes children with a Special Educational Need and/or Disability (SEND) and those who are neurodiverse:
Communication and Interaction |
Autism |
Social Communication Differences |
Speech and Language Differences |
Cognition and Learning |
Specific Learning Difficulties including dyslexia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia |
Moderate Learning Difficulties |
Severe Learning Difficulties |
Social, Emotional and Mental Health |
Sensory / Physical |
Hearing Impairment |
Visual Impairment |
Multi-sensory Impairment |
Physical Impairment |
Our school will consider the needs of the whole child, not just their SEND or neurodiversity.
Individual Health and Care plan
Where pupils have medical needs, we will plan and deliver provision in a co-ordinated way using an Individual Health and Care plan. We will also follow the statutory guidance on Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions.
Other factors which may impact on a child’s progress and attainment but are not considered SEND that the school may provide additional and targeted support for are:
- Children with English as an Additional Language
- Being in receipt of the Pupil Premium Grant (also defined as Disadvantaged Pupils)
The Pupil Premium Grant is funding to improve education outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in schools in England. It is allocated to schools to work with pupils from low income families who have been registered for free school meals (FSM) at any point in the last six years.
Pupil premium funding is also allocated to pupils that are currently in some form of care (LAC), pupils that have previously been in some form of care and have since been adopted or placed into a child guardianship order and to pupils that have a parent currently serving in the armed forces, or receiving a pension from the Ministry of Defence (Ever 6).
For enquiries about free school meals, please contact our school office on 01273 842549.
2. Information in relation to Hassocks Infant School's policies for the identification and assessment of children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities
How does the school know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special needs and/or a disability?
We encourage parents/carers to contact their child’s class teacher should they wish to discuss progress or wellbeing. A parent/carer can speak to the class teacher during Parent Consultation Evenings or arrange a meeting at any point in the year. Parents should contact the school office to arrange an appointment.
The task of identifying and providing for the special educational needs and/or disabilities of a child is primarily the responsibility of the class teacher, with support from the SENCo and Inclusion Leader. It is important that early identification and intervention are in place to support children who may have a SEND or who are neurodiverse; however, the precise nature of need can take time to identify.
Children are identified as having SEND or possible social communication differences in a variety of ways:
- A child performing well below age expected levels
- Concerns raised by parents
- Concerns raised by class teacher and/or support staff
- Concerns raised by the Senior Leadership Team in consultation with class teachers where data is discussed at termly Pupil Progress Meetings
- Liaison with external agencies
- A health diagnosis through a paediatrician
- Liaison with a previous school or setting
Once a child is identified as needing support, we gather more information in order to ascertain their area/s of need. The tools used to collect this information may include:
- Carrying out observations in class
- OAIP document
- Observation checklists
- Social Play record
- Sensory checklist
- SNAP IV Rating Scale
- Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire
- Speech and Language Link assessments
- ‘Nessy’ Reading and Spelling assessments
- British Picture vocabulary Scale (verbal reasoning test)
- Ravens Coloured Progressive matrices (non-verbal reasoning test)
- WESFORD literacy assessment
- Little Wandle Phonics assessments and the Statutory Phonics Screening Check
- Key Milestone documents for reading, writing and maths
- Boxall Profile
- Jump Ahead assessments
The SENCo and Inclusion Leader may also work closely with a wide range of professionals to ensure the correct identification of need:
- Autism and Social Communication Team
- Child Development Centre
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
- Community Mental Health Liaison Team
- Early Years SEND Advisory Team
- Educational Psychology Service
- Ethnic Minority Achievement Team
- Learning and Behaviour Team
- Neurodevelopmental Pathway Team
- Occupational Therapy Service
- Physiotherapy Service
- The Virtual School
- School Nursing Team
- Sensory Support Team
- Speech and Language Therapy Service
3. Information about Hassocks Infant School's policies for making provision for children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities whether or not they have an EHC plan, including;
Most children and young people with SEND, or those who are neurodiverse, have needs that can be met by Quality First Teaching and the resources, staff and specialists already available to our mainstream school. The SEND Code of Practice calls this ‘ordinarily available provision‘.
The West Sussex ‘Ordinarily Available Inclusive Practice’ (OAIP) guide has been co-written with schools, education settings, parent carers and partners and contains examples of good inclusive classroom practice to inform our school’s provision. Please find this document here.
Within the four broad areas of need, some children will require different levels of support. These levels of support are outlined in our SEND policy here. When implementing support, school staff follow the West Sussex Graduated Approach. Please find the full document here.
The Graduated Approach
We will follow the ‘graduated approach’ to meeting your child’s SEN needs. The graduated approach is a 4-part cycle of assess, plan, do, review.
Our school follows a termly Graduated Approach of 'assess, plan, do and review' to ensure early identification of any additional support that may be necessary. If, at any time, a class teacher identifies that a pupil requires additional support, this will be communicated to their parents/carers. For pupils on the School Support register, there are three meetings each academic year to discuss their progress in relation to their Individual Support Plan (ISP). This is in addition to the Parent Consultations held in the Autumn and Spring terms.
When considering what provision is required, the school also takes into account:
- the age of the child
- the child’s background and previous experiences
- the child’s development in comparison to their peers and national data
- advice from external support services, where appropriate
External agencies
Where specialist support is necessary, the school may make a referral to seek further advice from external agencies. The agencies may provide support for the school, the pupil, and their family. We would always discuss the referrals and any suggested outcomes with parents/carers. The agencies we work with include:
- The Meeds SEND Alliance (outreach support from our local special school)
- NHS Children's Speech and Language Therapy Services
- Sensory Support Team (for children with physical, hearing and visual impairments)
- West Sussex Educational Psychology Services
- The Learning and Behaviour Advisory Team (LBAT)
- The Autism and Social Communication Team (ASCT)
- NHS School Nursing team
- Early Help (Enabling Families and Early Help support)
- West Sussex Children's Occupational Therapy Service
- CAHMS – Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
- EMTAS – Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service
Please note that for some referrals to be accepted by external agencies, the school must provide a range of evidence about how they have supported a child and the child's specific difficulties. It can take time for a school to gather this information from teachers, external agencies and parents/carers. It is necessary that the school completes at least one cycle of the Graduated Approach to fully assess and monitor the impact of any provision to ensure the referral and support sought is appropriate for a child.
For contact details and more information about SEND services in West Sussex, please see the West Sussex Local Offer.
4. Hassocks Infant School arrangements for assessing and reviewing the progress of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities
How will both you and I know how my child is doing?
It is our school’s responsibility to review progress and know where pupils are in their learning and development. We do this by:
- listening to insights from parents/carers and children;
- setting ambitious, stretching and measurable SMART targets on an Individual Support Plan (ISP). These are appropriate to their needs, promoting high standards and the fulfilment of potential;
- tracking children’s progress towards their goals;
- keeping under review the impact of the additional or different provision that is made for them;
- promoting positive outcomes in the wider areas of personal and social development;
- ensuring the approaches used are based on the best possible evidence and that they are having the required impact on progress and development.
There are a variety of ways a parent or carer can find out about their child’s progress.
- Parents may contact the school to request information on how their child is getting on.
- Some children have an adult to ‘Meet & Greet’ them at the classroom door each day and a handover at the end of the day. This is a time where information can be shared between home and school.
- Parent Consultation Evenings offer parents the opportunity to meet with the class teacher to discuss pupil progress (Autumn and Spring term).
- If concerns are raised, parents/carers may be contacted by the school to discuss progress in more detail.
- Information regarding any interventions put in place for a pupil is shared with parents.
- An Individual Support Plan (ISP) is shared with parents/carers and reviewed at least termly.
- Speech and Language Goal Sheets from the NHS Children's Speech and Language Service will be shared with parents/carers, initiated by the Speech and Language therapist.
- End of year reports are written for all pupils.
Please see our full Parent Carer Involvement Policy here.
The progress of all pupils is monitored and formally updated by the class teacher each term. This is then reviewed with the Senior Leadership Team during Pupil Progress meetings. Decisions about directed support is discussed and implemented based on need.
If your child is not making expected progress towards their SMART targets set out on their ISP, this may be looked at in more detail by:
- Looking at provisions that are in place and whether they have been effective in raising attainment
- The SENCo liaising with the class teacher about what is working well, next steps and any assessments that may help make provision more specific
- Gathering pupil voice about what they feel is going well and what could improve things for them
- Observations of the pupil and scrutiny of their work
- Discussing with parents to review the current situation and discuss the next steps needed to support their child to make progress.
- If a pupil’s provision is informed by an external agency, they may be involved in reviewing the effectiveness of this.
Provision for pupils with an Education, Health and Care plan is reviewed annually during an Annual Review. This will involve the pupil, teacher, SENCo, parents/carers and any external professionals involved.
How will you help me to support my child’s learning?
Your child’s class teacher can be contacted at any time during the academic year to discuss support and next steps. Teachers can provide parents/carers with specific advice and useful resources as appropriate.
Teachers will also be happy to advise parents/carers on strategies to support their child at parent consultation evenings.
If your child has an Individual Support Plan (ISP) you will be invited to meet with your child's class teacher, and/or the SENCo and Inclusion Leader, to review progress towards SMART targets and co-produce new ones. Please see our full Parent Carer Involvement Policy here.
The Hassocks Infant School website has a range of web links and courses suggested by agencies working within the West Sussex Local Authority. Please click on the link - Support for Parents and Carers
5. Hassocks Infant School's approach to teaching children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities
How will school staff support my child?
Teaching staff will adapt methods and materials to meet the needs of a pupil, with the focus on quality first teaching and ensuring that all pupils study a broad and balanced national curriculum along with their peers. Please find more information on quality first teaching and the Ordinarily Available Inclusive Practice here.
The progress of all pupils is closely monitored and pupils who are not making expected progress despite quality first teaching in the classroom, may be offered additional support. This may include modified provision, 1:1 support, interventions /small group work and in-class support from a Teaching Assistant or Learning Support Assistant. We are careful to avoid the over reliance of 1:1 individual support for the majority of children, as evidence shows that in many cases this prevents children from becoming independent learners.
If an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) states that a child should be provided with 1:1 support, it is highly unlikely that the adult supporting a child will remain the same throughout their time at our school.
Pupils at the early intervention /additional support stage will have an Individual Support Plan (ISP), which is initiated, implemented and overseen by the class teacher. Targets will be co-produced with parents/carers.
All pupils with identified special educational needs and/or disabilities are included on our School Support Register. The register is organised into two levels of support: Targeted and Specialist support (when outside agencies are involved with your child's education/needs) and EHCP support. Support for pupils is prioritised based on need.
Pupils on the School Support register have an Individual Support Plan, co-produced by the teacher or SENCo and Inclusion Leader, pupil and their parents. This contains detailed information about their needs, appropriate teaching and support strategies and desired outcomes. It also documents advice from outside agencies.
Information regarding a pupil’s needs will be shared and discussed by the teacher, SENCo and Inclusion Leader, parents/carers and any other professionals involved. This will be reviewed termly and the information will be shared with any new staff working with the pupil. Please see our full Parent Carer Involvement Policy here.
How does Hassocks Infant School adapt the curriculum and learning environment for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities?
All staff at Hassocks Infant School are committed to meeting the needs of all pupils with a Special Educational Need and/or Disability. We have a duty not to directly or indirectly discriminate against, harass or victimise disabled pupils. We make reasonable adjustments to the curriculum and the learning environment to make sure that children with additional needs are not at a substantial disadvantage compared with their peers. Please see the school’s Accessibility Plan for more information.
How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
We are committed to offering a broad and balanced curriculum to all pupils. We acknowledge that reasonable adjustment may be required to ensure that pupils make progress. Adjustments to a pupil’s curriculum and learning environment will depend on any needs identified during the Graduated Approach and will be discussed with the teacher, child, parent/carer, SENCo and Inclusion Leader and any relevant professional. By considering what adaptations are required, the SENCo and Inclusion Leader will work with the head teacher and school governors to ensure that the school meets its responsibilities under the Equality Act (2010) regarding reasonable adjustments and access arrangements. A link to the Equality Act 2010 can be found by clicking here.
6. Additional support for learning that is available to children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities
How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?
The school assigns support based on a pupil’s specific needs. This may be linked to a need in one or more of the following areas: Communication and Interaction; Cognition and Learning; Social, Emotional and Mental Health; Physical and/or Sensory; Medical.
Support can be directed by an Education Health and Care plan. However, support for children without this will be determined through discussions held by the class teacher, SENCo and Inclusion Leader, Senior Leadership Team, external agencies and parents. We follow the advice provided by West Sussex in the Graduated Approach and the Ordinarily Available Inclusive Practice (OAIP) guidance. This is also determined by a child’s individual progress and attainment.
It is vital that any support provided is appropriate to the needs of the pupil and gives them the opportunities to learn independently and develop skills to enable them to cope outside of the school environment.
Every effort is made to educate pupils with SEND alongside their peers in the classroom setting. In-class provision and support are deployed effectively to ensure the curriculum is adapted where necessary. However, there may be times when it is more appropriate for a child to have a class adult support them 1:1 or for them to attend an intervention group.
We support children through a wide variety of interventions. Some support learning, such as speech and language interventions e.g. Speech Link, phonics e.g. Little Wandle Keep-Up Sessions, reading e.g. ‘Nessy Reading and Spelling’ and maths e.g. Plus 1. Other interventions support children’s physical skills, such as Jump Ahead for gross motor skills and NHS therapy putty exercises for fine motor skills.
We can also support children’s emotional well-being through sessions with our Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA). Some interventions support children’s social development, such as 'Lego Therapy' and 'Time to Talk'. ‘Hedgy Club’ sessions (designed by ASPENS, a charity that supports individuals on the autistic spectrum) celebrate children’s individuality, strengths and differences.
If appropriate, we also support SEND or neurodiverse pupils to further understand safety issues with attendance at ‘Safety Club’. This ensures that children fully understand lessons taught as part of our Relationships and Health Education curriculum (Jigsaw), such as road safety and the NSPCC Pants Rule.
Where pupils have a Speech and Language Intervention plan, their provision is reviewed and outcomes set by a NHS Speech and Language Therapist. Occasionally, a Speech and Language Support Assistant may be asked to work directly with a child. Parents/carers will be informed of this.
The level of support given to a pupil is reviewed at least termly and the impact that the support has on the pupil’s progress is considered, both academically and personally. Wherever possible, parents and the pupil will be involved in decisions relating to the support offered.
How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs and/or disabilities?
The school’s resources are allocated based on priority and needs of the cohort. As a pupil’s progress is assessed throughout the year, different priorities and needs may arise. The SENCo meets termly with the Senior Leadership Team to prioritise needs during Pupil Progress meetings. Provision may be allocated through resources, including staffing and interventions. The school’s funding for additional provision is determined by the West Sussex Local Authority.
If, at any time. a pupil needs to be administered with medicine, where possible, the school staff can do this once a parent/carer has completed a medical form, available from the school office. Please see our Medicines in School Policy here.
Individual Health and Care Plans are completed with the SENCo and Inclusion Leader and/or a pupil’s class teacher and parent; support is agreed with medical professionals, as necessary.
The SENCo and Inclusion Leader may also work closely with a wide range of professionals to ensure the right help is accessed for children and their families including:
- Autism and Social Communication Team
- Child Development Centre
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
- Community Mental Health Liaison Team
- Early Help/ Enabling Families
- Early Years SEND Advisory Team
- Educational Psychology Service
- Ethnic Minority Achievement Team
- Fair Access
- Intensive Planning Team
- Learning and Behaviour Team
- Neurodevelopmental Pathway Team
- Occupational Therapy Service
- Physiotherapy Service
- Play therapist – Your Space
- The Virtual School
- School Nursing Team
- Sensory Support Team
- Children’s Social Services
- Speech and Language Therapy Service
- Special Educational Needs Assessment Team
- West Sussex Parent Carer Forum
7. How Hassocks Infant School enables children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities to enage in the activities of the school together with children who do not have Special Educational Needs
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?
We aim to ensure that all pupils with a SEND or who are neurodiverse can engage in the activities of the school alongside pupils who do not have a SEND. The level of support is established prior to any school trip/activity, depending on the pupil’s needs. Prior to the trip/activity, it may be necessary to have a discussion with the pupil’s parents to establish the best approach and to make reasonable adjustments. We would also seek advice from the relevant external agency supporting a child. Resources are made to support the pupil in advance if needed (e.g. a social story).
Every effort is made for children with SEND or those who are neurodiverse to take part in after school activities such as school discos or after school clubs run by school staff.
Please see the school’s Accessibility Plan for further information.
8. Support that is available for improving the emotional and social development of children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities
What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?
Our school ethos means that we are fully committed to looking at the whole child and drawing on their strengths and individuality. Teachers and TAs build good working relationships with the children, and they are very sensitive and responsive to the individual needs of a pupil.
Support for a pupil’s wellbeing includes:
- clear and consistent safeguarding systems overseen by the Designated Safeguarding Lead, with all members of staff responsible for the implementation of the school’s Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
- Jigsaw, a Relationships and Health Education (RHE) curriculum is taught within our whole-school Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and has a strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health. Key lessons are repeated for some SEND and neurodiverse children in 'Safety Club'.
- advice and support for the teaching staff to help them manage a child’s behaviour within the classroom, taking into account the needs of the whole class. This may be from the SENCo, DSL or external agency (Community Mental Health Liaison Officers, outreach support from the Meeds SEND Alliance or consultations with advisory teachers or the educational psychologist).
- teaching children strategies to help with self-regulation, increasing their emotional vocabulary, helping them to manage their sensory needs and improve their ability to solve conflicts e.g. Zones of Regulation, sensory circuits, sessions with our Emotional Literacy Support Assistant.
- ‘Hedgy Club’ sessions (designed by ASPENS, a charity that supports individuals on the autistic spectrum) celebrate children’s individuality, strengths and differences.
Parents should contact the school if they feel their child requires additional support for their mental health and/or wellbeing. The school can liaise with external agencies about support for children and their families. The Hassocks Infant School website has a range of web links for support and courses suggested by agencies working within the West Sussex Local Authority.
Please click on the link - Support for Parents and Carers
9. Who is the Special Educational NEeds and/or Disabilities Co-ordinator and how do I contact them?
You can contact the school’s SENCo and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mrs Sara Nash, via the school office on 01273 842549 or office@hassocksis.com
10. Information about the expertise and training of staff in relation to children with Special Educational Needs
What specialist services and expertise are available for access by the school?
Our school works closely with a wide range of professionals to ensure the right help is accessed for children and their families including:
- Autism and Social Communication Team
- Child Development Centre
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
- Community Mental Health Liaison Team
- Early Help/ Enabling Families
- Early Years SEND Advisory Team
- Educational Psychology Service
- Ethnic Minority Achievement Team
- Fair Access
- Intensive Planning Team
- Learning and Behaviour Team
- Neurodevelopmental Pathway Team
- Occupational Therapy Service
- Physiotherapy Service
- Play therapist – Your Space
- The Virtual School
- School Nursing Team
- Sensory Support Team
- Children’s Social Services
- Speech and Language Therapy Service
- Special Educational Needs Assessment Team
- West Sussex Parent Carer Forum
What is training programme for staff supporting children with SEND or those who are neurodiverse?
The SENCo and Inclusion Leader, supported by the Senior Leadership Team, ensures that staff have sufficient skills and knowledge to deliver the interventions that a child may need. The type of SEND support provided is based on reliable evidence of what works, having consulted external agencies.
The SENCo and Inclusion Leader, Sara Nash, is an experienced teacher who holds the National Award for SEN Co-ordination (NASENCo). She has completed training in many areas of SEN, including autism and social communication, early childhood trauma, attachment, dyslexia, ADHD and speech and language difficulties. She has also completed her Senior Mental Health Lead qualification.
Our staff receive training from a number of outside agencies, including the NHS Children’s Speech and Language Therapy team, the Learning and Behaviour Team, the Autism & Social Communication Team and the Virtual School. Some training is provided as a bespoke package or is from advice delivered during a visit to observe a pupil. This year, staff have completed training in these areas of SEND/neurodiversity:
Sensory Processing Differences
Understanding and Accepting Autism
Hearing the Autistic Pupil Voice
Learning and Memory in Autism
Emotional Based School Avoidance
The majority of our staff are Team Teach trained. This is a toolkit of holistic strategies of de-escalation and intervention, both verbal and non-verbal, for supporting dysregulation and distressed behaviours.
We also deliver ‘in-house’ training in areas such as foundation subjects, maths, reading, phonics and writing throughout the school year. We closely monitor the training and development needs of our staff annually and in consideration of pupils' needs. Where possible, the school’s SENCo attends meetings held by the local network of SENCos and Inclusion Leaders (Meeds SEND Alliance) to keep up to date with local and national reforms in SEND.
11. Information about how the equipment and facilities to support children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities are secured
How accessible is the school environment?
The school environment is very accessible and caters for a variety of SEND and neurodiversity. As a school staff, we continuously assess the environment to ensure it is conducive to learning and to develop independence. If necessary and where possible, we will make reasonable adjustments to adapt the environment to ensure it continues to be an accessible, stimulating and enriching environment for all. This may involve seeking advice from an external agency, such as the West Sussex Occupational Therapist or Rehabilitation Officers.
You can find further information in our Accessibility Plan available on the school website here.
12. What are the arrangements for consulting and involving parents/carers of children with SEND in their child's education?
How are parents/carers involved with the school? How can I be involved?
As a school we recognise and highly value the central role of the parent/carer in their child’s personal and educational development. We recognise that the support from parents helps to secure the best possible outcomes for any child, particularly with a Special Educational Need and/or Disabilityor those who are neurodiverse. In the area of SEND, parents/carers are consulted and informed at each stage of the school’s involvement with their child during parent consultation meetings, Individual Support Plan review meetings and Annual Reviews (Education Health and Care plans only). Please see our full Parent Carer Involvement Policy here.
Parents/carers are encouraged to arrange a meeting with their child’s class teacher if they feel this would support them and their child. The SENCo will work alongside the teachers, parents/carers and pupils.
What are Hassocks Infant School’s arrangements for consulting and involving pupils with SEND in their education?
Engaging all pupils as active participants in their own education and in making a positive contribution to their school and local community is a priority for our school. The level of discussion regarding a pupil’s SEND provision will depend on the age and understanding of the child. We have various ways of gaining pupil voice and will often ask the children about their perceived strengths, what is working well, what they find difficult and would like to improve. The class teacher will then use this insight to develop provision.
Where appropriate pupils will be involved in:
- Gathering pupil voice through using ‘Lego Classroom’, One Page Profiles, comic strip conversations or photo elicitation. Please see how we collect pupil views through photo elicitation here
- Reviewing targets for their Individual Support Plan (if they have an EHCP or there are multiple agencies involved); and
- Review meetings.
Pupils have the opportunity to share their views through the Child Conferences that are included in the end of year reports. Child voice is integral to everyday practice at Hassocks Infants school and is very much valued.
What are the arrangements for parents raising concerns and making a complaint about the SEND provision at the school?
Parents/carers are advised to discuss any concerns with the class teacher or SENCo, in the first instance, and if they feel they need to make a complaint, there is a complaints procedure, details of which can be found here.
How does the school involve others in meeting the needs of pupils with SEND and in supporting the families of such pupils?
There is a Governor for Vulnerable children, Charlotte Guy, who liaises with the SENCo and Inclusion Leader. The Governing Body are involved in decisions regarding the admission and provision planning for pupils with SEND. The SENCo will be asked to attend Governors Meetings if a SEND item is to be discussed. The SENCo writes the SEN Information Report, which is agreed by the Governors. This is also an opportunity for Governors to raise questions with the SENCo.
Parents and carers can find support on the Parent and Carer support pages on the school website. Please click on the link - Support for Parents and Carers
Please also see the next section for more details of support services.
13. The contact details of support services for the parents of children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities
Parents should make contact with their child’s class teacher in the first instance, who can help direct parents to relevant support with guidance from the SENCo.
The Hassocks Infant School website has a webpage dedicated to signposting parents/carers to useful websites, including those relating to SEND or wellbeing – Support for Parents and Carers
Parents can use the West Sussex Local Offer pages to find out about more support services in West Sussex.
Families may also be eligible for Disability Living Allowance if they are looking after a child with a health condition or disability who is under the age of 16 years old. This can help towards the extra costs of bringing up a disabled child.
If you would like further information about support services, please enquire at the school office or email our SENCo and Inclusion Leader, Sara Nash. Her email address is senco@hassocksis.com.
14. Hassocks Infant School's arrangements for supporting children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities in transferring between phases of education
How will the school prepare and support my child to join the school or transfer to a new setting?
If you are thinking of applying to Hassocks Infant School, and your child has a Special Educational Need and/or a disability, you can arrange a visit or telephone call to discuss your child’s needs with the SENCo and Inclusion Leader, Sara Nash. Please contact the school office on 01273 842549.
For more information about admission arrangements, please go to West Sussex Admissions.
We have a carefully planned approach to transition at Hassocks Infant School both for children starting the school in Reception and for those leaving us in Year 2. We work closely with the nurseries/previous settings and Junior schools.
For children with additional needs there may be a requirement for them to have a more thorough transition process. Extra opportunities are made for visits to their new class/ school and transition books can be made to support the child through the changes. The SENCo and Inclusion Leader and class teachers forward all relevant SEND documentation and records from class to class and to the new school. The SENCo and Inclusion Leader liaise with the new school regarding the SEND of the children who are to transfer.
Updated: September 2024
Review: September 2025